Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Something's gotta give...

       It's been weighing on me lately (pun intended) that I really need to do something about my weight. I'm a large lady and I'm starting to feel like crap increasingly frequently. I'm starting to be aware that I'm not able to move like I used to and find myself very lethargic and depressed. Paleo or Die isn't just a silly title; I feel it's truth. 

      I did Paleo for a bit and liked it but fell off the wagon by trying to do too many cheat meals, which turned into cheat days, which turned into cheat weekend, which turned into weeks. And then I realized I wasn't doing it at all. I know now that I have to do all or nothing and I have to stick to it! I've always been heavy and always been embarrassed to admit that I was dieting because I felt that if I admitted I was dieting, I was admitting there was something wrong with the way I was....something to be ashamed about. I refuse to be made to feel inferior because of my weight. But, now I know I need to publicly tell people what I am doing, because there is something wrong with me--my health. I realized that fat people are the majority these days, and I shouldn't be ashamed to try to better myself. PEOPLE CAN SEE THAT I'M REALLY FAT! I'm not fooling anyone. /sigh/ Pride.

      I'm a classically trained chef so I'm going to try to do a lot of recipe adaptations and record my progress. I may also post random other things but we'll see about that when we get there. Bon voyage!